Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I haven't posted in FOREVER!

I wasn't going to post anymore to the blog because I only had it so that our friends and family could keep up with us while we were in the RMI. I decided today that I will begin posting again here every so often. If anything, it can be a journal for Sydny and Landon to read when they get older.

Landon is doing quite well. He is just over 7 months old and is so cute! He weighs 18lbs. 10oz. He is cutting his first tooth. He can stand up while holding onto something for a brief period and he babbles a lot! He is sleeping through the night which is wonderful even though he is still sleeping in our bed. He loves to snuggle and his face lights up every time I pick him up from day care. It is such an awesome feeling to know how happy he is to see us. I love this little guy with everything I have. His health is so much better now than it was. He gets a cough every time he gets a cold but he is able to get rid of it very quickly. Every now and then we have to put him on breathing treatments. He is such a happy and easy going baby (who likes to be held a lot).

Sydny is doing great too. She turned three in September. She has gotten over her jealousy issues with Landon and loves her baby brother. He loves watching her and laughs out loud every time she laughs. She is starting ballet today at her school and is very excited. She still has her imaginary friends Dee Dee and Coco and we love having them in our family.

We were able to get in touch with Sydny's birthmother and send them some stuff and also get pictures of them. We are beyond thrilled that all of this has happened. What a wonderful gift to Sydny and her birthmother. We feel so blessed to be able to have a relationship with the wonderful women that gave birth to our children.



  1. Kim,

    Sydny and Landon are truly blessed to have you and Ron as their parents. The way I see it all 4 of you are blessed beyond measure. Protect and love them as they are a gift from God.

