There are pigs, chickens and dogs running around on the island. On our way back from Laura Beach, we almost ran over a baby pig that was crossing the road. He was really cute. We also had to stop the car while a mother and her piglets crossed the road. Luckily Ron got a picture of them. I wish I could take them all home.
We went to a restaurant the other day that we hadn't been to. I ordered noodles and when they brought it out it had squid all over it. Yuck! I had no idea I had ordered that. Also, when we were leaving the people that work there started eating our leftovers. We had been told this was a normal thing to happen. There was a fly flying around our table in the restaurant and the waitress stood there for a few minutes with a fly swater trying to kill it. One of the waitresses also held Landon the entire time so that we could eat. Needless to say, it was a very interesting dining experience.
Landon has grown so much since we have been here. He is quite the chunky boy. His cough is almost completely gone and we are so thankful. Everyone is healthy!!!!
We still don't know if we are coming home on Wednesday yet. Ron tried to call the Embassy in Manila yesterday and got a recording to call back later. We are so frustrated with the lack of information we are getting regarding our documents.
I also want to say happy birthday to my dad and my Aunt Charlene. It stinks that my dad is in the hospital on his birthday. Aunt Charlene, I hope you have a fantastic day tomorrow!
That is all for now.
p.s. Legal Notice: This was a post from Saturday (Friday in the States) that we couldn't post until Sunday (Saturday in the States) due to problems with the blog....
Hi Kim and Ron, thank you for making the effort to post updates. It is so awesome to be abel to follow your journey and to know you are well. Kim, I will keep your dad in my prayers. Take care and safe journeys.