Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday Evening

Tomorrow Landon will be two months old and it also marks our three weeks here. Time is going by so fast and so slow all at the same time. Our flight is scheduled for next Friday on the 7th and hopefully on Monday we can find out if we will be able to keep our original flight or have to change it.

Kiomi showed up today and she and Phillipo took a long nap in our room. I am sure they enjoy the cool of the air conditioning and the softness of the bed. Poor Phillipo is covered from head to toe in insect bites. He has sores all over his body from scratching. If I had all the money in the world, I would rebuild this poor little island and give everyone a nice home to sleep in bug free along with plenty of food to eat.

Sydny has a fever again today. Ron and I have bad colds but no fever. Landon is STILL coughing. We talked to our lawyer last night and he is going to try to get us in to see a I didn't even know one existed until last night. He has coughed up mucus three times. He coughs so hard you think he will cough his little lung out. Please continue to pray for him.

We are going to try again tomorrow to rent a car. It is very difficult trying to find a car to rent. We want to go back to Laura Beach and also do some shopping for Kiomi and her family.

That is all for now. I apologize if I have typos but I am tired.



  1. Kim:

    If you do get to go shopping tomorrow for Kiomi and her family, will you add an extra $100 to your spending money from the boys and I? I'll give you the money when you get back. It would mean a lot to me to know that I could in some way make a little difference in their world. I'm so proud of you and Ron. You both have such a sweet and caring spirit about you. Love you all and we'll continue to pray for your health and your safe and speedy return.

    Love ya,

  2. I can't wait to see you!!!!! Tell Sydny that Cole, Hannah, Matthew, Madison, Ben, Ethan, Andrew, and I said hello and we miss her!!!

  3. Keep your chins up Jones'...things will work out for everyone...

