Thursday, July 16, 2009

Just Another Post

Yesterday we went over to another family's house who is here adopting also. We actually both had court on the same day and they have been a wonderful family to share our experience with. Kiomi was there too so she got to spend time with Landon. Sydny got to go swimming again in the ocean and had so much fun. I don't think Sydny is going to want to go home when it is time. She is going to be so brown by the time we leave because her skin just soaks up the sun. The water is so beautiful here. Parts of it are the prettiest aqua color. It is amazing something can be so beautiful.

Landon didn't cough as much last night so we were thankful for that. He seems a little more congested today though than he has been. The doctor here said he has bronchitis but Ron is going to talk to his good friend in a little while who is a doctor and hopefully he will be able to help us a little more.

I think today we are going to try to do some laundry and go to some handicraft stores to buy some keepsakes. I will post some pictures too.


  1. Is that other family from NY,by any chance?? I think they flew out the same day as you so perhaps they had the same court date. Sheri

  2. Hi Kim - enjoyed catching up on your blog! Your pictures are terrific and take me back to RMI in a second in my mind! I don't know why so many kids there have bronchitis or pneumonia. Both of our first two had bronchitis back in 2003 when we were there, and now Boston had pneumonia when we were there last month. Glad you are at MIR. I used to throw some soapy water around the counter in the bathroom and the ants would die for awhile. Just an idea. Hope you are getting some rest and your family is beautiful! Lois Stenstrom
