Friday, July 24, 2009

Landon's smile and our car....

Finally, we caught Landon's smile. Sure, he was sleeping (he smile's a lot in his sleep) but this is the first time we have been able to actually get a picture of his smile. He has a great smile and we cannot wait until he will look at us and smile. He does make a lot of facial expressions but no smiles yet.

The second pic shows our rental car in the background. Believe it or not, we had eight people, you read that right, eight people in that car when we went to dinner the other night. It was Kim and I, Sydny and Landon, Kiomi and her son Phillipo, and Kiomi's friend and her daughter. No one wears seat belts here and there are no child seats. Despite all these apparent dangers, we have not seen a wreck yet and the speed limit is 25 miles an hour most places and gets up to 40 miles an hour maximum in certain places. There are no traffic lights. We have turned in the yellow machine and hope to get a bigger, better, safer car next time we rent one for a few days.


  1. Kim, Landon is just a cutie! Know we are praying for you and a quick return home! Cant wait to meet your new little guy. Thank you for sending Roger the link! I will keep checking in to see your progress. Let us know if we can do anything from here besides pray.

  2. I guess Landon has lots of good dreams. Probably about coming home to Texas. Nice car. I can't believe Kim let the kids ride without car seats! Sydny has a pretty cute smile too. :)

  3. What a CUTIE!!!!

  4. Oh I LOVE the photos. Landon smiling is just precious and Sydny with mom and Landon is too cute. 8 people in that car...AMAZING!
